Fang Lijun


FANG LIJUN | ELEMENTAL 2,022 Total Supply

Fang Lijun’s latest NFT conveys the intense collision, fission and possibility of material elements when they converge, and how it activates human perception and the unknown.

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OG + Allowlist Sale: 2/20/22
Public Sale: 2/22/22 @ 8:22pm ET

OG | Price: 0.2 ETH (Max 2 Mints) Allowlist | Price: 0.2 ETH (Max 1 Mint) Public Sale | Price: 0.3 ETH (Max 3 Mints)
Elemental Remaining: CONNECT WALLET

Verified Smart Contract: 0xC9677Cd8e9652F1b1aaDd3429769b0Ef8D7A0425 Chainlink VRF Contract: 0xc81605c91e7a9be8e55b0132ad5fc8dccf1660e7 OpenSea Collection:

Fang Lijun’s Elemental is an NFT series that combines the bald figures familiar from the artist’s paintings with representations of earth, water, fire, and air. The compositions of each image convey the impact of an intense collision. Elemental is inspired by Fang’s work with ceramics, which he has always regarded as a medium for exploring materiality and tacility. It’s an art form that has advanced through technological innovation, as large-scale production and standardization have made art serve everyday needs. In each NFT, a model of a ceramic plate bearing a portrait floats in an abstract environment evocative of environmental chaos, presenting a paradox between chance and necessity, eternity and fragility, creation and disappearance. To commemorate the new year, Elemental consists of 2022 NFTs. Fang has created 200 still images in editions of 10, as well as 22 single-edition animations. Collectors of the one-of-one editions will be able to claim ceramic plates.


Two artists
from different
medium, technology,
and communication
as they work
on their first
NFT projects.

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